Trimtone is a diet pill designed to help women lose weight. It promotes weight loss via appetite suppression and it boosts metabolism and energy levels by stimulating a process known as thermogenesis, which is the process in which our bodies burn fat to increase energy levels. If this is combined with a low calorie diet and exercise, the trimtone fat burner helps you burn more calories whilst eating fewer calories, remaining 'rejuvenated and focused'
There are clinically proven, all natural ingredients contained in trimtone that support the weight loss process with a three pronged attack:
It's an appetite suppressant, helping you to feel fuller without ingesting more calories.
It boosts energy levels, helping you to move more consistently.
It boosts thermogenesis, kick starting your bodies' natural fat burning process.
It's worth stating here that this approach does work for both men and women, though studies have suggested that women can struggle more with food cravings due to patterned hormonal changes throughout the month. This is one of the reasons why women might struggle more with controlling their calorie intake, making weight gain more likely, as well as making it more difficult to effectively lose weight.Therein lies the problem however, as one capsule of Trimtone will fail at all three of these. Although this is a huge improvement on their previous formula, there's simply no way this low a dosage can compete with the other diet pills on the market today.
The most common questions about Trimtone
As this we have has stated already, the all natural ingredients that trimtone contains are effective ways to reduce food cravings, burn calories and reduce body fat. Yet, its fat burning properties are ineffective when put alongside the other fat burners on the market and it's all down to one main issue: the dosage being just one capsule.
When broken down the main active ingredients trimtone contains are as follows:
Caffeine anhydrous (120mg): Including caffeine in a fat burner is a very popular choice, as it helps maintain higher energy levels and, as those of us who can not function without our morning coffee will know, it is an effective appetite suppressant. Lesser known, however, is that caffeine anhydrous stimulate thermogenesis, kickstarting your natural fat burning capabilities. You'll be hard pressed to find a fat burner without caffeine involved because of this, as it will help anyone with reducing their body weight.
Glucomannan root fibre (100mg): This is a well researched, clinically proven and effective tool for weight loss. Derived from the root of the Konjac plant. This has been used for centuries, being seen to be used in ancient Chinese medicine for it's many health benefits including weight loss, as it has some of the most widely recognised and potent appetite suppression properties available. Containing such an effective ingredient to help with weight loss, why are we still suggesting you look elsewhere? Well once again the issue here is with the dosage being just 100mg. The best fat burners typically contain around 20x this amount, and to put this all into context, 2000mg would amount to about the size of a bagel in your stomach, helping to reduce food cravings, meaning fewer calories, helping you to lose fat after a few weeks. 100mg just would not have this kind of impact, and with glucomannan being such a valuable and effective appetite suppressant, not getting this right is a major loss for the effectiveness of this fat burner.
Grains of paradise (40 mg): You'll find many a fat burner containing this ingredient, commonly used for it's ability to boost metabolism and energy as it supposedly can burn fat for fuel. There's a small amount of recent research that substantiates this, indicating it can activate brown adipose tissue, boosting thermogenesis. The fact is that these studies are not robust, so those looking to lose fat will find that most of the best fat burners on the market won't be containing grains of paradise. For me, it sounds more like the tagline to a holiday to dubai than an effective, clinically recognised ingredient that will help with fat loss. If you want paradise gains, you don't need paradise grains.
Green coffee bean extract (100 mg): A popular and effective ingredient in many of the leading weight loss supplements, green coffee beans have been shown to help with lowering blood sugar levels by positively controlling fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, and serum insulin levels, whilst also lowering blood pressure. Green coffee is in almost every fat burner on the market, making this a great choice.
Green tea leaf (100 mg): An extract from the Camellia sinensi plant, it has been widely used in Chinese medicine for centuries and has been found to relieve headaches with its anti-inflammatory properties as well as aiding in digestion. Another popular and common choice for fat burners, yet it's not commonly seen as a necessary ingredient. It does help with fat loss, though you wouldn't miss it if it wasn't there.
As a post-note here, it's worth mentioning a key ingredient for a women's weight loss supplement that is missing from Trimtone, that being 5HTP. Helping to suppress cravings specifically, this is a very common and effective ingredient for women's supplements specifically, and yet as a fat burner designed for women, it is strangely missing. This is an odd omission, and frankly a major loss hence our rather unenthused trimtone review.