8Greens Reviews

Does 8Greens actually work? 

8Greens is a healthy and useful greens supplement but don’t expect it to replace an ordinary greens powder in your diet.

Unlike a proper greens powder, 8Greens is a tablet that contains eight different greens supplements and a host of vitamins and minerals. It’s designed to give you a nutritional boost rather than load you up with healthy greens like a normal greens powder would.

Since it’s a tablet and not a powder, 8Greens doesn’t contain anywhere near the number of ingredients usually found in a serving of greens powder. So don’t expect this product to be a replacement for a good-quality greens powder like Supergreen Tonik (currently our number one rated option).

Rather, think of 8Greens as an additional greens product that can be used at certain moments, such as when travelling or stuck working late at the office. On these occasions, 8Greens provides a convenient way to get a nutritional boost and ensure your body’s fundamental needs are taken care of.

Given the number of vitamins in 8Greens, we’re sure it will provide a good boost but since the company has opted for a proprietary blend for all the other ingredients we can’t sure how much of anything is included. That said, the size is so small anyway that we can certain there isn’t that much of anything.

To ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need, we do still recommend taking a proper greens powder. You can see our top recommendations on our Best Greens Powders page. 

8Greens Review Conclusion

8Greens offers a convenient, travel-friendly method of consuming a whole bunch of healthy vitamins and minerals with a small dose of healthy greens. It absolutely cannot replace a real greens powder as it simply doesn’t contain enough actual greens.

8Greens can be used as a top-up, to be taken while at the office working late or during a long journey. The small package fits easily into a small travel bag and can be added to a bottle or glass of water with ease. Just don’t expect it to be a mainstay of a healthy diet plan.

For a proper greens powder, we recommend trying Super Green Tonik instead unless you just want a greens pill to keep in a drawer at the office if you forget your main powder. 

Try Super Green Instead
Category Score
Taste 7/10
Health Benefits 3/10
Mixability 8/10
Ingredients 5/10
Customer Reviews 7/10
Value 5/10
Overall 7/10


1. Hong, S., et. al. (2018) Aloe vera Is Effective and Safe in Short-term Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Available at: https://www.jnmjournal.org/journal/view.html?doi=10.5056/jnm18077