Osteo Bi Flex Reviews 2023

Does Osteo Bi-Flex Work? And Do We Recommend It?

Osteo Bi Flex Has Some Good Products

Osteo Bi Flex is one of the better over the counter joint supplements available in supermarkets. That's not overly high praise as the vast majority of supplements you can get in Walmart or Walgreens are typically outdated and under dosed. Not all of the Osteo bi flex range is great, though, but there is one product in their range which does stand out as a solid joint pain supplement.

Osteo Bi Flex Triple Strength however is a quite a good collagen supplement, with Osteo bi-flex triple strength containing a high dosage of glucosamine HCL and boswellia, unfortunately the MSM dosage is still a little low to be optimal for a joint supplement, but again it does this better than most that include MSM. So all in all it's not a bad supplement, but there are much better joint pain supplements available at the same price point. And there are some drawbacks to Osteo bi-flex triple strength being a predominantly collagen based joint supplement. And that is that Glucosamine HCL has been shown to reduce joint pain, but isn't as optimal for joint health overall, it's also still not dosed high enough to help much with severe osteoarthritis, even if the dosages do line up with the recommendations for moderate to mild cases. Osteo bi flex is best used in combination with an omega oil supplement for increased efficacy, but is potentially a good option for people who can't have omega 3. It's a decent supplement, it's just a little bit too specialised to be the best joint supplement on the market. It's price point is also a little bit too high for what it is, but it's not a bad option.

As for other osteo bi flex products, there aren't any that we'd recommend. It loses out to FlexAgain as the best overall joint pain supplement, by a long way, but for people who can't have Omega 3 it's pretty good. 

That said, due to the high dose of Glucosamine there are a lot of potential interactions for Osteo Bi Flex and it shouldn't be taken by people on, blood thinners, diabetics or people with high blood pressure.

Best Supplement For Joint Pain

Osteo Bi Flex Review FAQ

The most commonly asked questions we came across whilst researching our osteo bi flex review.

Doss Osteo Bi Flex Really Work?

Osteo bi flex should work to reduce joint pain, with glucosamine actually being a prescription option in some countries the product itself does contain ingredients with enough scientific backing that it's claims are quite reasonable. However, as with all supplements and medications it won't necessarily work for everyone. 

Osteo Bi Flex Side Effects

Realistically, excluding allergens and specific interactions the most likely side effects of osteo bi flex are going to be nausea. High doses of glucosamine however can cause puffy eyes, and this dosage is not suitable for people with certainly familial conditions, for example it can increase the risk of glaucoma and due to it's effect on blood sugar should be avoided with those on medications for diabetes. It can also effect blood pressure.  

Can you take Osteo Bi Flex on Blood Thinners?

You shouldn't take osteo bi flex if you are on blood thinners as glucosamine amplifies the effects.

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength Review Conclusion

Osteo Bi Flex is not bad, taking osteo bi flex will almost certainly help joint pain, if you tolerate the high dose of glucosamine well. The down side is that it's priced at the same point as 2 much better joint supplements. If you're looking for something that's available in your local store however, then it's probably the best that you'll find. It will also be a winner if glucosamine supplements are particularly effective for you. If you do choice to go with Osteo Bi Flex, we recommend taking an omega 3 supplement as well. Not a bad choice, but certainly not the best.

Best Supplement For Joint Pain
Category Score
Ingredients 7/10
Joint Health 5/10
Pain Relief 9/10
Customer Satisfaction 9/10
Other Benefits 3/10
Value 7/10
Overall 7/10


1 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6643354/

2 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5537775/

3 - https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Manganese-HealthProfessional/

4 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5640209/

5 - https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/treatment/complementary-therapies/supplements-and-vitamins/supplement-and-herb-guide-for-arthritis-symptoms