SNAP Testo Booster Reviews

Is ​SNAP Testot Booster Any Good?

SNAP Testo Booster will help you boost your t levels, but it contains several dubious and ineffective ingredients that seem to have been included purely to boost sales rather than testosterone.

Promising to help you “relive the good old days” of youthful vitality and energy, SNAP Testo Booster contains an extremely long list of ingredients. Some of these ingredients are top-tier testosterone boosters, such as fenugreek, ginseng, vitamin D, and d-aspartic acid. 

The overall composition of the Testo Booster formula leans towards libido enhancement rather than muscle gains, although you will see some benefits in those areas as well. 

While it is impressive to see a testosterone booster with so many ingredients, we feel SNAP has basically gone ahead and included all the ingredients thought to boost testosterone but failed to check which ones actually work. 

In particular, the inclusion of sarsaparilla root, which is well-known among experts to have been falsely linked to testosterone production as part of a marketing campaign, indicates that SNAP just picked out as many known ingredients as they could to bring in as many customers as possible rather than attempting to make a really high-quality product. 

The same applies to the inclusion of tribulus terrestris and stinging nettle extract, both of which are often said to improve testosterone and sexual health but neither is supported by any serious evidence whatsoever.  

This gives us a sense that SNAP has been somewhat disingenuous by just chucking in whatever might sell without giving a thought to whether or not it might actually work. 

That said, there are some ingredients in here that will work, so it's not entirely worthless. But we would still recommend choosing a testosterone booster that doesn’t waste space on dud ingredients and has all the effective ingredients at proper doses. 

Best Testosterone Booster

SNAP Testo Booster Customer Reviews

Verified customer reviews of SNAP Testo Booster on Amazon suggest this testosterone booster is a four-star product. However, with only 60% five-star reviews, this is a bit on the low side of things compared to other testosterone boosters. The top products are normally somewhere in the region of 70%.

Many of the reviews focused on the libido-boosting effects of Testo Booster, with several customers saying their sex life had improved and that erectile dysfunction had reduced.

Negative customer reviews of SNAP Testo Booster reported a lack of results. They claimed they experienced no change whatsoever. We feel it’s unlikely you’ll experience no change at all, but there are certainly other products that are likely to have a more noticeable effect than this one.

Another negative review suggested the company is offering a free bottle of the product for anyone willing to write a positive review—we’ll be looking into this claim further to see if there is any truth to it. 

SNAP Testo Booster Ingredients

Vitamin D3 (125mcg) - Vitamin D deficiency is the cause of many ailments including low testosterone. Most adults in the USA are deficient, so ensuring your levels are topped up is an important part of sorting your testosterone levels.

Vitamin B-3 (10mg) - Associated with improving brain function among other benefits, B3 is not directly linked to testosterone production but it’s a healthy vitamin nonetheless.

Calcium (45mg) - Some studies have indicated that calcium, in combination with training, can boost total testosterone and serum testosterone levels [1].

Zinc (15mg) - Zinc deficiency is another cause of low testosterone levels in many men. The 15mg dose found in Testo Booster should be enough to resolve most deficiencies and put your testosterone production back on track.

TestPlex Blend

D-Aspartic Acid (1000mg) - A common ingredient in t boosters, d-aspartic acid’s effect on testosterone production is well-documented. It is also thought to treat male infertility. This dose is reasonable, although a better dose would be around 2g.

Horny Goat Weed Extract (400mg) - Possibly an erectile aid and libido-enhancer, but its effect on testosterone production has only been researched on animals with mixed results. Even then, the dose here is low based on what studies would suggest is effective, which is around 900-1200mg for the average person (based on weight).

Tongkat Ali Leaf Extract (110mg) - Thought to release luteinizing hormone and increase levels of free testosterone. It may also improve sexual performance.

Stinging Nettle Root (60mg) - There is no evidence linking stinging nettle root to increased levels of testosterone.

Diindolymethane (50mg) - DMI may correct hormone imbalances that lead to too much oestrogen in men.

Fenugreek Seed Extract (50mg) - A good ingredient with a solid record for boosting testosterone. However, the dose here is on the low side.

Tribulus Terrestris Fruit Extract (50mg) - Despite ongoing claims to the contrary, tribulus terrestris does not boost testosterone. This has been extensively proven in many studies.

Performance Blend

Saw Palmetto Berries Extract (100mg) - The evidence supporting saw palmetto’s effects on hormones in the human body are very limited. Studies are done in test tubes and on rats. The effects are interesting but more evidence is needed to confirm the preliminary findings.

Asian Ginseng Root (100mg) - A solid ingredient and an effective testosterone booster. SNAP Testo Booster has got this one right.

Sarsaparilla Root (50mg) - This is a very dubious ingredient. It has been marketed as containing testosterone. These claims are completely fictitious. As far as we know, sarsaparilla root does nothing for your testosterone levels. A very poor choice of ingredient.

BioPerine Black Pepper Extract (5mg) - Black pepper is bioactivating, meaning it enhances the body’s ability to absorb and make use of all the other ingredients. It’s a solid choice for a testosterone booster. 

