MuscleTech Alpha Review

Are MuscleTech Testosterone Boosters Any Good?

UpdatedL 15th April 2023

MuscleTech Alpha Test Proves You Get What You Pay For.

Muscletech alpha test makes one massively bold claim. That it can boost your test levels in just 7 days. We can't say we're fans of this marketing strap line. Theoretically it could, but the odds of that happening aren't exactly all too high. Most testosterone boosters require a fair bit of time to saturate into your system, and there is only realistically one ingredient in alpha test that they're able to pin this claim on and whilst boron citrate is a good ingredient to have in a test booster, it's not THAT good. It relies heavily on one study[1] to make that claim which seems to have been an overperforming outlier. It still works, but just nowhere near the levels at which they claim it to, so our muscletech alpha test review isn't off to a great start with it's misleading marketing claims.

As we've Muscletech alpha test relies heavily on boron citrate as it's main testosterone boosting ingredient, which is fine, but beyond that they underdose most of the other test boosting ingredients they use and miss out on the more expensive and more effective ingredients for the sake of budget. In short muscletech alpha testosterone booster is fine as a budget option, but you'd be much better served by finding the extra $20 and picking something from our best testosterone boosters list.

What's Bad About MuscleTech Alpha Test?

The first issue is the dosages, they're far too low to hit the maximum efficacy levels, this is pretty much across the board and is a common issue with test boosters that require you to only take 2 capsules twice daily. Unfortunately to get the best out of test boosters they normally come in 6 a day servings. It's still going to help you increase energy levels, and build lean muscle, the fenugreek extract dosage is fine, but on the low side. 

Tribulus terrestris however is around half where most test boosters would put it when using a blend with such a limited ingredients list. It's also not really the best ingredient for test boosting, it's more of a sex drive enhancer, not one that particularly boosts free testosterone levels. There were some studies in animals that suggested it did in the past, but having now been trailed in humans and failing to boost testosterone levels, it's not something we'd include in a supplement like this. Fine for a male enhancement, but not something where half if not more of the customers will be more interested in building lean muscle mass. And broccoli powder.... But, we'll come back to this in the ingredients section.

On top of this, it misses ingredients like Maca, D-Aspartic Acid, and a few other more pricey test boosting ingredients.

By, this point you may be thinking that we really don't like Alpha Test, as it happens we don't think it's a bad supplement. Just that it is what you'd expect from a budget supplement. It's not going to be as effective as a higher price point testosterone booster. 

Check Out Our List Of The Best Test Boosters

Make sure you get the right testosterone supplement for you.

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Customers MuscleTech Alpha Test Reviews

Alpha Test has a lot of positive customer reviews. And to be fair a lot look to be reasonably legit. 

In terms of negative MuscleTech Alpha reviews, the general issues are people saying there are side effects, the most common being nausea, which can come as a side effect of tribulus, which is an ingredient in the supplement meaning that we'd say this is probably a fair issue. Although we should say this is relatively uncommon. The other issue is simply that the product didn't work, but most supplements of this kind won't work for everyone.

Muscletech Alpha Test reviews on reddit we're a bit less complimentary on the whole than those on Amazon. However, it should be noted that it the audience on reddit seemed to be a bit more educated on testosterone supplements than the users on Amazon, and were comparing MuscleTech against competitors that are double it's price. Which does make it seem somewhat unfair. If we're looking at the price point it's not actually too bad although a lot of the ingredients would be better in double doses, which makes us fee the $20 price tag, is a false economy.

Our Muscletech Alpha Test Experience

We gave muscletech alpha test to two of our team, Mike and Sean, who both regularly take testosterone supplements. They use testofuel and testogen respectively. Their normal supplements do come in at double the price so we allowed them to take a double dose of muscletech for two weeks (which would match the price points of their usual supplements) and a normal dose for two weeks and this is what they had to say. 

Mike - "Before I swapped to TestoFuel, I used to use a tribulus and fenugreek based booster and in terms of how Muscletech compares to that supplement, it's all good. It's definitely better than not taking anything. I do find Ginseng and DAA based test boosters more effective, but they are more expensive. Although, in the case of my favorite t booster it also contains fenugreek (so I'm only missing the tribulus). And I did also take a vitamin d supplement that I normally get from Testofuel, to give Muscletech the fairest shot. In this case it was alright, my gym recovery dropped a little bit, and all in all I still felt pretty good. However, that's whilst I was taking a double dose of Muscletech, and at that point we're taking $5 a month more for Testofuel, meaning it's no contest and I won't be changing anytime soon. However, when I swapped to the recommended dose..... I definitely noticed that it didn't work particularly well at all. 

Sean - "My go to is pretty similar in makeup to Mike's and again I noticed I was missing something when taking MuscleTech, I didn't add vitamins in to make up for the ones I lost from Testogen, but I really didn't like my time on MuscleTech Alpha compared to other testosterone supps. It didn't do it for me even in the double dose I felt more lethargic and it definitely dropped my gym performance. I'ts not for me.

MuscleTech Alpha Test Review FAQ

We answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Muscle Tech Alpha Test.

How To Take Alpha Test?

Muscle Tech Alpha is to be taken twice a day, with 2 capsules per serving, making it one of the more managable supplements out there.

What About Alpha Test Side Effects?

Alpha Test is safe and produced in complaint factories, so this shouldn't be an issue. It seems that at one point there were some counterfeit sellers on amazon which came with some nasty side effects, but this seems to have been resolved. Other than that mild nausea is a possibility.

Where Can I Buy Muscletech Alpha Test?

Muscletech Alpha is available on Amazon or their official website.

Muscletech Alpha Test Ingredients

Zinc (As Zinc Gluconate) - Alpha test has a decent amount of zinc and it's a common ingredient for a testosterone booster. 30mg a day was effective at treating men with low testosterone levels[2] if they were zinc deficient. It was shown to be a relatively common cause of the issue. However, if you are already getting enough zinc in your diet it will have no effect. As vitamins go vitamin D3 is far more effective if only one is going to be included as it has benefits to athletic performance and can cause gains of up to 40% in men with deficiency (which is nearly half of the US population). 

Fenugreek Extract - Another common ingredient in testosterone boosters, and this is a good one, fenugreek extract has demonstrated a significant increase in total serum testosterone levels amongst healthy men dosed with 600mg a day[4]. The dowside with Muscletech Alpha is that it only contains 300mg. Whether or not that will be effective is up for debate, but we'd suggest that you may want to look for something that is closer to the trialled dose.

Tribulus Terrestris - As we've already mentioned tribulus terrestris is an old fashioned testosterone booster ingredient, its use in alpha test seems like a bit of a waste for a low dosage testosterone booster.

Shilajit Extract - This one is somewhat unusual and unique, so it's inclusion in alpha test was surprising. That said it is a good inclusion, potentially. The trials so far have been relatively small, but it has been seen that it increased total testosterone, free testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS). These trials were controlled against a placebo, but required 500mg a day of dosage and Alpha Test falls more than just a little short with it's dosage being less than half of that. But, shilajit extract is a promising ingredient all the same. 

Boron Citrate - Testosterone boosting supplements like to include boron, and it's becoming increasingly popular. It's a great inclusion as we mentioned, but it has also led to Alpha Test booster using it for unreasonable marketing claims. Now, with the 100mg in Muscletech's formula only being 5% boron, it's not at the ideal dose, which comes out at 10mg. That said, boron has been shown to be effective at a 5mg dose [5] just not as effective as it could be, but it's still a general positive point in our muscletech alpha review.

Broccoli Powder - So, this isn't something that you tend to see in supplements designed to boost testosterone, and there has been some research into broccoli powder, but largely as an anti androgen, rather than as something that supports testosterone production. And even then, it was looked at into the effect of cruciferous vegetable consumption in relation to a reduction in prostate cancer risks[6] and there's been multiple studies to this effect. The reality is it's not going to do you any harm, in fact it's probably quite good for you, but it doesn't need to be in Alpha Test. 

Alpha Test makes some weird choices overall, there is a lot of good in this testosterone booster, but Alpha Test misses the mark in a few key places. It's a decent testosterone booster for its price point, but there's a few things that could've been better without breaking the bank. The inclusion of vitamin d over broccoli extract would've been a good start. 

MuscleTech Alpha Review: Honest Conclusion

The fact is you get what you pay for. Alpha Test is a budget test booster and for it's price it isn't a bad option. We can't say we recommend it if you can afford a better test boosting supplement, it misses far to many of the most well studied ingredients, although it does offer a reasonable budget option. And after all, that's what it is, a budget option. 

So, it does what it's supposed to do well, but missing DAA, Ashwagandha, Maca and for some reason choosing to go for broccoli powder, we'd advise you look for a different booster (we have a list here) if you have even a slightly higher budget. 

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Criteria Rating
Ingredients 4/10
Muscle Growth 4/10
Mood 4/10
Libidio 4/10
Value 7/10
Recommended 5/10


1 - - Nothing Boring About Boron
2 - - Effects of a Novel Zinc-Magnesium Formulation on Hormones and Strength
3 - - Effect of fenugreek extract supplement on testosterone levels in male: A meta-analysis of clinical trials
4 - - Beneficial effects of fenugreek glycoside supplementation in male subjects during resistance training
5 - - Nothing boring about boron
6 - - Broccoli Consumption Interacts with GSTM1 to Perturb Oncogenic Signalling Pathways in the Prostate