RSP Prime-T Review

Is RSP Prime-T any good?

Prime-T is a bit of a mix. Although far from the best testosterone booster available, it does have some redeeming features. 

The RSP Prime-T testosterone booster does contain a few solid testosterone-boosting ingredients in adequate quantities. In particular, it contains a high dose of D-aspartic acid, a decent dose of vitamin D, and a good amount of fenugreek extract. 

However, alongside these quality ingredients, Prime-T also includes diindolylmethane, vitamin B3, and safed musli extract, none of which have been explicitly or substantially linked to testosterone production. Vitamin B3 is connected to energy increases, but the dose included in Prime-T is too low for much difference to be noticed anyhow.

Prime-T also included maca root, which is a healthy ingredient, albeit not directly linked to testosterone production. Unfortunately, Prime-T includes far too low a dose of maca for it to be beneficial. We feel it has been included simply because it is a popular health supplement these days rather than in order to provide real benefits. 

There is also a dearth of customer reviews of Prime-T and the presentation of the reviews that do exist is quite misleading, which we don’t appreciate. 

You might experience a slight boost to your testosterone levels using Prime-T thanks to the few active ingredients it includes, but you would be better off choosing a t booster that includes more verified ingredients and proper doses.

Best Testosterone Boosters

Customers RSP Prime-T Reviews

There is a strange and rather blatant inconsistency between the number of reviews displayed next to the main picture of the bottle on the Prime-T websites product page and the number of actual reviews at the bottom of the page. While RSP claims there are 449 five-star reviews, in fact, we only find a total of five reviews at the bottom of the page, and only four of them are five-star reviews. 

In their favor there's a reasonable amount of Prime T reviews on neutral platforms on Amazon which do back them up. Although not quite as glowing as the reviews on their own site.

RSP Prime-T Ingredients

Vitamin D (3000IU) - A common ingredient in testosterone boosters, vitamin D increases levels of free testosterone and can help with ED. It is more effective in higher doses, with some t boosters including 5000IU or more. The 3000IU dose in Prime-T is reasonably and comparable to similarly priced testosterone supplements.

Vitamin B3 (20mg) - Also known as niacin, B3 is not such an obvious choice for a testosterone booster since it is not actually linked to increased testosterone production. It is connected to increasing energy levels and thus can be seen as beneficial for leading an active life and increasing effort in the gym, but it’s not totally appropriate for a testosterone booster. What’s more, 20mg is not much and benefits will probably be limited.

Folate (800mcg) - Another B vitamin, folate (or folic acid) is some evidence to suggest that a deficiency of folate might be linked to ED, but there is not much evidence supporting its role in testosterone production [1].

Vitamin B12 (12mcg) - Along with providing a host of health benefits, from improving neurological health to forming red blood cells, being vitamin B12 is closely linked to testosterone production. A comprehensive study conducted in 2016 found a clear correlation between vitamin B12 deficiency and testosterone deficiency [2].

Zinc (12mg) - The link between zinc deficiency and low testosterone has been well-established in the scientific literature. Including zinc in a testosterone booster is a solid choice and 12mg is a decent dose.

D-Aspartic Acid (3200mg) - Another solid choice of ingredient, D-aspartic acid is commonly found in top testosterone boosters thanks to its well-documented testosterone-boosting properties. To its credit, Prime-T has included a good dose of D-aspartic acid.

Fenugreek (125mg) - Another good ingredient with verified testosterone-boosting credentials, we’re always happy to see fenugreek in a t booster, and we’re pleased to see that the dose used in Prime-T is also appropriate.

Maca Root (75mg) - This is a slightly odd choice for a testosterone booster but does offer some real health benefits. Maca root is known as an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body deal with various kinds of stress. It can also boost energy, possibly increase libido, improve fertility, and strengthen bones. However, the standard recommended dose is around 1.5g to 3g, so it’s questionable whether you’ll gain anything from the tiny 75mg dose included in Prime-T.

3,3’-Diindolylmethane (250mg) - Diindolylmethane (DIM) is thought to impact oestrogen levels and may well work as an oestrogen blocker. Limited research has shown DIM can reduce the amount of aromatase in the body, an enzyme that turns testosterone into oestrogen. DIM is not the most researched ingredient, but possibly beneficial to your overall hormone balance.

Safed Musli Extract (250mg) - This is something of an experimental ingredient in our opinion. There is very little research into the effect of safe musli extract on humans. There are a couple of animal studies that suggest it can boost sexual performance and possibly testosterone levels but more research is needed to confirm these findings. There are definitely better ingredients that could have been included here instead.

Boron (100mg) - Boron improves the body’s ability to absorb other minerals and also vitamins. Although the dose is stated as 100mg, because this is boron citrate it only contains 5% actual boron, meaning it is equivalent to 5mg dose of a pure version of the mineral. This is a little on the low side, as 10mg is normally recommended for best effects, but it will do.

BioPerine (5mg) - BioPerine is a form of black pepper extract and is a bioactivator. In short, it increases the absorption of all the other ingredients included in the Prime-T formula. It’s a good ingredient for any testosterone booster. 

