Plenity Review

Does Plenity Work?

There’s Better Over The Counter Alternatives To Plenity

Plenity first appeared in 2019, and the manufacturers describe it as a diet pill that helps overweight adults effectively lose weight without experiencing the cravings and hunger that are most people's downfall when following any restrictive weight-loss diet.

But does it really measure up to its promises, or is it just clever marketing hype? The answer is sort, of, but there’s some catches, some big catches, and more importantly, there’s better options. Although most plenity reviews are positive, there are a lot of people complaining about gastric distress.

What most people want above anything else is a quick fix that promises convenience with little effort, which is the message given off by the Plenity marketing material.

Anything that sounds too good to be true should be taken with a pinch of salt, and the study that Plenity used to prove its efficacy was conducted on a whopping 10 people. Yes, 10 people. We’re not disputing whether it works though, it actually works in the same way as glucomannan, which is the backbone of pretty much every good over the counter weight loss aid. It’s the claims of how well it works when compared to other weight loss aids , and the costs where things start to break down.

So why do we prefer the over the counter alternatives to Plenity?

Both Plenity and glucomannan based supplements work by absorbing water in the stomach and thickening it. With supplements like hourglass fit holding 50-60X it’s weight and Plenity claiming to hold 100X [1]. Our tests showed that it was more like 80, but that’s still good win.

That’s simple, it’s that Plenity only works on one way to assist weight loss, whereas some of the best commercial options (we’d recommend hourglass fit or instant knockout instead) have other ingredients that help with cravings.

Most notably 5HTP, which was previously only available via prescription[2], but is now commercially available as it is well documented to be safe and effective. 5HTP has been proven to actively effect brain chemistry to reduce desire for fatty, sugary and carb rich foods and has even been demonstrated whilst monitoring brain activity[3].

Or ingredients that help boost energy whilst dieting (amino acids, stimulants and vitamin complexes), that both cost less and don’t require a prescription.
But, that isn’t the biggest concern, Plenity is only licensed in the USA and Europe or the UK quite simply won’t allow it as it seems (although it isn’t well broadcast), may contain titanium oxide.

Why The Alarm Bells Are Ringing Over Plenity

Plenity is an FDA-approved food supplement manufactured in the USA. It is only offered on prescription in America, and somehow this gives the product more credence in some people's minds, however false that may be in real life.   Secondly, it is difficult to find the complete ingredient list for Plenity, which triggers alarm bells in our heads. When you consume any food product, don't you think you are entitled to know what it contains?   

There should be more transparency over the ingredients in this formulation, if only for safety reasons. What if you are allergic to any of the ingredients? How would you know to avoid it?   

If you look at Plenity's FAQ section, it warns against people taking it if they are allergic to sodium stearyl fumarate, gelatin, or titanium dioxide. So, we can only assume these ingredients are in Plenity, yet they are not listed on the label. That does mean it’s not vegan friendly. It goes without saying that an equivalent product manufactured in the UK or Europe wouldn't be able to get away with this because we have stricter health regulations than the US. What also makes the alarm bells ring louder is that the UK and Europe banned the use of titanium dioxide as a food additive due to concerns over genotoxicity!

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Plenity Ingredients

According to the manufacturer, Plenity contains two active ingredients: cellulose and citric acid. Cellulose is an indigestible plant fiber that makes up plant cell walls. It is cheap and easily sourced. Citric acid is also a cheap food compound sourced from citrus fruits and doesn’t really do anything to aid weight loss, it’s likely just to help break down in the stomach.   

Humans cannot digest cellulose, so it simply passes through our system and is excreted as waste (poop). It has no nutritional value, so diet pill manufacturers have latched on to it as a cheap and convenient calorie-free thickening agent for their products.   

The Plenity manufacturers claim that the cellulose and citric acid combine and react with the fluid in the stomach to create a feeling of fullness and satiety, which helps reduce hunger pangs and cravings.   We don't disagree with this, but we know that there are already effective, natural appetite suppressants such as Glucomannan that have far more research and evidence of their effectiveness to back it up.   

What Plenity is heavily relying on for the effectiveness of their diet pills is what they cleverly refer to as 'superabsorbent hydrogels'. This is nothing more than mixing fiber with water in your stomach, making you feel full and lowering your temptation to eat between meals.   But this is no different to the many other much better-quality weight-loss supplements currently on the market at a much more cost-effective price. Plus, there are much safer alternatives to consume than a product containing inactive, questionable ingredients such as titanium dioxide.    

Plenity Review FAQ

Everything You Need To Know About Plenity

Plenity side effects and effectiveness  

If you research the web for customer feedback, you will see many mixed reviews, a little over half of the real plenity reviews However, most common reasons for a negative plenity reviews were either say the consumer found Plenity completely ineffective with no weight-loss results, they were more inclined to snacking, or they will contain a whole laundry list of adverse side effects from taking the diet pills.

Customers often complain about bloating, flatulence, gastrointestinal pain, infrequent stools, constipation and stomach aches after taking the pills.

Another concern coming to the surface is the customers' dissatisfaction with the transparency of the contents, especially since the UK and EU banned the use of titanium dioxide as a filler ingredient in diet supplements.

There is plenty of feedback from customers stating they found Plenity ineffective, even after taking it as directed and following a strict diet over a long period. We know there are much more effective weight-loss pills on the market with much better customer feedback, so we advise against choosing Plenity weight loss pills when better options are open to you.

How does Plenity work?

To put it in layman's terms, Plenity is simply a bulking agent taken in pill form. It fills up the stomach and makes you feel full without consuming any calories. Because it is made from indigestible plant cellulose, the body cannot absorb it like food and can draw no nutritional value from it.

The ingredients expand in the stomach and form a thick gel tricking your body into thinking that your stomach is full of food, suppressing the production of ghrelin, known as the 'hunger hormone.' Ghrelin signals to your brain that it is time to eat, which is when you experience hunger and food cravings.

Ghrelin production is often blamed for the failure of restrictive weight-loss diets as a rise in ghrelin levels stimulates the appetite, making it harder to lose weight.

The main problem with Plenity as far as customer feedback is concerned is that it can cause a lot of stomach bloating, flatulence, intestinal pain, and distress in some users. It is not difficult to understand these side effects because when combined with water, Plenity holds up to 100 times its weight!

It is recommended to take three pills before lunch and dinner – a total of six pills per day, each with 0.75 g of this formula. Three pills will expand from 2.25 g to around 225 g in the stomach, meaning it will take up around 75 per cent of your stomach in volume at the total dose, two capsule of hourglass fit for example would take up around 40%, but would also help suppress cravings avoiding a desire for sugary snacks later. Which a lot of plentiy reviews show to be an issue that once plenity passes through the system, cravings for snacks become incredibly high as the body did not get as many calories as it was expecting.

Plenity vs Glucomannan

The Plenity manufacturers try to blind you with science by using the term 'three-dimensional hydrogel matrix. This is fancy talk about how fiber forms a gel when mixed with fluid.

Do you know what else forms a three-dimensional hydrogel matrix? Glucomannan. Many foodstuffs will bulk up and swell when mixed with fluid in the stomach, but not many of them have been as well researched as Glucomannan.

Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that also bulks in the stomach for effective weight loss, and it is a natural ingredient made from konjac fiber. It has an unusually high concentration of soluble fiber per weight and can hold around 60 times its weight in water.

Weight-loss supplements containing Glucomannan as an appetite suppressant are far more effective than products without it. There is also less risk that you can overdose on Glucomannan and experience the negative side effects reported by Plenity consumers.

Plenity Review Conclusion

In many cases, you could pay four times as much for Plenity than for a more effective and natural weight-loss supplement option – without the added titanium dioxide or mystery ingredients.   

Like any other diet pills or weight-loss supplements on the market, they are only effective when used correctly and combined with a healthy diet.   Generally speaking we’d recommend getting something with 5HTP as well as a swelling ingredient. 

As such taking an over the counter Plenity alternative like hourglass fit should be more effective with less side effects and for about 50% less than Plenity costs. Plenity is good, it's just not great.

Criteria Rating
Appetite Supressant 8/10
Thermogenic Boost 0/10
Energy Boost 0/10
Customer Satisfaction 5/10
Ingredients Quality 5/10
Value 3/10
Recommended 3/10


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