LeanBean Reviews
LeanBean Reviews
Category: Weight Loss AidsKey Ingredients:
Pretty Good

Leanbean is a great weight loss supplement it's very similar to Hourglass Fit, which we ranked as our best womens fat burners, although if we're being completely honest it's a toss up as to which one we'd recommend. Hourglass Fit won out due to it's inclusion of 5htp, making it a little bit better at dealing with cravings, but Leanbean is better at dealing with bloating due to the inclusion of Turmeric, which for anyone who is a little bit sensitive to Glucomannan is going to have it winning out.
The Glucomannan dose of 3000mg per day is perfect and it's the most effective over the counter appetite suppressant available [1]. It works quite simply, it absorbs water in your stomach and swells up to 50X it's size, meaning that each serving will feel like you've eaten a large bagel (it's about the same size). So, it's pretty easy to see how that would help you feel less hungry.
That's not all Leanbean get's right, but honestly this is one of only a few womens fat burners that actually works, (if you've read many of our reviews you'll see we don't recommend a lot) so if you're looking for something to support your weight loss journey, then Leanbean is a good option.
Customers Leanbean Reviews
There are 1000s of Leanbean before and after photos available online and even more testimonials, overall the reviews are great by the standards of weight loss supplements although there will always be some people disappointed that it's not a magic bullet. At the end of the day you'll still have to eat right, but Leanbean makes that a lot easier to stick to and lose weight. It can help you burn a few extra calories by itself, but not enough to make a massive difference. As a result customers Leanbean reviews are generally positive when people have gone into it with the attitude that it's going to support them in controlling their calorie intake. There are a couple of complaints of side effects, but not many, and most of the negative reviews they have seem to be from some shipping issues that the company had for about a month, there were almost none complaining about the product itself, which is a very good sign.
Leanbean Ingredients
Suppressing appetite will always be the most effective thing a weight loss supplement can do, that's because even running for one hour (and we mean running) is only going to burn 500 calories for a healthy woman which can be undone by just one slice of pizza in some cases! There's a reason people say abs are made in the kitchen. And Leanbean is a very effective appetite suppressant It does do some of the things that other fat burners focus on, but that's not it's forte.
Vitamin B6 & Vitamin B12 are common place in energy drinks, that's because they're effective at raising energy levels. [2] This becomes more important when you're in calorie deficit because if you move less, you'll undo some of the good work that you're doing with your diet.
Chromium there are some studies that show taking chromium picolinate helps aid weight loss, with participants taking the supplement losing significantly more weight than those that didn't take it. [3] The current thought is that it helps fat metabolism by enabling your body to break it down more effectively, you still have to be in a calorie deficit though, it just means you'll lose more fat and less muscle, which is a good thing, because it's even more important to get to a healthy body fat percentage than just a healthy body weight.
Zinc deficiency can really screw up your hormones and cause muscle wastage and fat gain. [4] Even a small deficiency makes a big difference, so supplementing for it is a good idea in a weight loss supplement. It has a lot of other weight loss benefits too, but this is the big one.
Potassium isn't a bad thing to have more of, but for some reason Leanbean only has 103mcg which is pretty pointless as it's less than 1% of your daily intake.
We've already talked about glucomannan and this is a fantastic ingredient for aiding weight loss [1]. It's one of only a few that is even allowed to be advertised for weight loss in Europe (they have a lot stricter guidelines than we do here in the US).
Choline has been shown to help you break down fatty acids more effectively, this increases how full they make you feel, making you less likely to binge eat. [5]
Garcinia Combogia Extract is an ok ingredients, but the recommended dosages are inconsistent and the jury is still out on quite how effective it is. [6] It's not an overly necessary ingredient in fat burners, but it's not a complete waste either. It is also a relatively small amount of what goes into Leanbean fat burners.
Green Coffee Bean extract reduces food cravings by helping you regulate blood glucose levels, it makes its way into a lot of the best fat burners so this is a good inclusion.
Tumeric is good, but it needs to be in a much higher dosage to help with weight loss, where it does help you however in a smaller dosage is that it promotes better bowel movements and digestion which can be an issue with large amounts of glucomannan. It's not a great weight loss supplement as a stand alone, but it's good in the case of Leanbean.
Acai Berry isn't really great, this is a bit of a gimmick, it's not going to help you shed body fat, but it's only 20mg so it's not taking up much space in the supplement overall. But, it is just here to look good because a lot of people of heard that it can help you lose weight.
Bioperine is a pretty common ingredient in dietary supplements, it helps your body absorb vitamins and minerals, it doesn't specifically help you lose weight, but it helps the supplement work.
Leanbean vs PhenQ
This is hands down a win for Leanbean, PhenQ is only really effective if you're training heavily and even then Leanbean is going to be far more effective with more proven ingredients. The appetite suppressant effects of Leanbean make a far bigger difference.
Leanbean vs Instant Knockout
This one's a bit of a toss up, if you work out and want to train whilst on a diet the caffeine boost and the vitamin D (which helps muscle function) would mean that instant knockout beats Leanbean. However, with a higher glucomannan content, if you're just looking for a appetite suppression Leanbean would be a better option.
Leanbean vs Trimtone
Leanbean, no questions. Trimtone is basically a horribly under dosed version of Leanbean, similar ingredients, just in way to small of a dosage to actually be effective at helping you lose weight.
Leanbean vs Provitalize
Leanbean wins here hands down, Provitalize is not a good supplement, and any positives it does have are purely as a result from the placebo effect there are no studies to back up any of Provitalize's claim.
Leanbean vs Plenity
Go with Leanbean, Plenity, like Provitalize is not a good supplement and it won't help you lose weight, we do not recommend Plenity, we're amazed that they're actually allowed to make the claims that they do. The study that Plenity use to claim their product works was done on 10 people.... that should probably say enough.
Leanbean Reviews Conclusion
Leanbean will help you consume fewer calories, thus it will help you lose weight, it's got a couple of ingredients that will help you burn fat, but that's not really it's strong suit. This is something to help you lower your calorie intake by suppressing your appetite. And that's good. This should be the focus of more weight loss supplements because it actually works.
It's not a magic bullet, but it will help promote weight loss in people who are following a healthy diet and could be the little bit of help you need to make all the difference on the days when it gets hard. We do recommend Leanbean.
Category | Score |
Appetite | 10/10 |
Cravings | 7/10 |
Thermogenesis | 5/10 |
Energy | 5/10 |
Customer Reviews | 9/10 |
Value | 9/10 |
Overall | 8/10 |
1 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3892933/
2 - https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-HealthProfessional/
3 - https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Chromium-HealthProfessional/
4 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30772815/
5 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4096089
6 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010674/
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